*FUNDED* VPL liked this initiative: "More Technology For My Fabulous 5th Graders!"

Ms. Mobarik is a 5th grade teacher in Stamford, CT with many children from various economic backgrounds. She says, "Many students do not have access to technology at home, thus the only opportunity for them to use a computer or the internet is at school." In order for her to get an additional iPad and Chromebook through which students can have access to educational websites, such as Dreambox and Extramath, we have given a seed fund to kick start her campaign.
Ms. Mobarik sent us a note:
"VPL, thank you for the donation and thank you for valuing education. My students will benefit greatly from these added pieces of technology!"
Technology cannot replace a passionate teacher like Ms. Mobarik, but it helps children expand their intellectual horizon!
"Dear VPL vplstore.com,
Thank you for the thoughtful donations! Technology is imbedded in how and what we teach everyday; however, we are always short on devices. With this grant funded, you have helped address this shortage and will enable our students to maximize use of technology to meet academic objectives. Thank you so much; this is a tremendous contribution to the learning of my fabulous 5th graders!
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mobarik"
THANKS FOR THE UPDATE. I am glad that the project is now fully funded.
She sent us a follow up letter as below. Thank you for the update! Crhomebook and iPad are great tools for children who are eager to learn.
"Dear VPL vplstore.com,
Thank you so much for the generous donation. My students are using the Chromebook and Ipad every day to read online books on interactive websites such as Raz-Kids and Epic, as well as read current news articles on DogoNews. They also use them every day to practice their basic facts and reinforce our current math units through sites like XtraMath and Dreambox. All of these academic sites are engaging for the students because they integrate games and incentives (earning badges for number of books read) which they love. We also have another big research unit coming soon and this technology will enable more students to access online research.
Many of my students receive free or reduced lunch and their families have limited income. Having a computer at home or money to pay for internet access costs is often not possible. Technology is vital to the academic development of my students, and with your donation we are able to ensure that each student has sustainable access to technology. Your donation will help both current and future students since it will be for a reusable resource.
Thank for valuing public education!
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mobarik"