1. Working Out With Supermodel Karlie Kloss: The Flat Abs GIF
Check out 5 work out GIFs from Vogue featuring supermodel Karlie Kloss.
Go to Vogue.com for more
2. Ballet Beautiful With Victoria’s Secret Angel Lily Aldridge

This Angel prefers to keep her lithe figure with a little help from the barre -- the ballet barre, that is. Check out more from Self.com.
3. 7 Moves to Lengthen and Strengthen Your Whole Body from the Coveteur
"In life, there are those rare, unicorn-like happenings that manifest into an out-of-body experience. Like when you get your hands on that #veryrare CHANEL icebox bag. But what if there was a way to get a rush of euphoria on cue, and not solely a side effect of our retail-fueled indulgences? Oh but guys, we’ve found something: the class. Emphasis on the lowercase. Taryn Toomey’s exercise method has legions of fit New Yorkers— ahem, and Naomi Watts — flocking to her Tribeca studio to experience her fitness catharsis for a reason."
More from The Coveteur.

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